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About Robert Helf

Robb Helf is among the most honored artists in Wisconsin, for the depth of variety in his subjects and a mastery of the contemporary artist’s full palette.


Robb’s versatility, his technical expertise and management of project from concept to completion on deadline, has been burnished over a recognized career as art director, graphics coordinator, designer, illustrator and artist.


During a lauded career with Journal Communications Inc. he brought to bear almost 30 years of graphic design and illustration experience.


At heart, though, Robb is an artist. His illustrations in oil, acrylic, pen, watercolor and charcoal have received awards from the Society of News Design, the Wisconsin Newspaper Association and the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. The true measure of his work, however, is taken by the connection Robb makes with each of his subjects and the art he creates.


Robb and his wife, Pam live in Cedarburg, WI. He is a graduate with a degree in commercial art from Carroll College in Waukesha, WI.

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